Good afternoon Zounds team
August 12th 2016 the upgraded bottom shell and battery door for all color lines of the Trezia, Arenz and Prezia product line are available. The upgraded bottom shell and battery door must be replaced together but are compatible with existing top shells.
Please read in detail the below important instructions before ordering and replacing the upgraded bottom shell and battery door:
1.Use the same top shell for all replacement shell procedures
2.If replacing the bottom shell you must also order a new battery door or you will damage the bottom shell.
3.If replacing the battery door you must also order a new bottom shell or you will damage the battery door.
Please read in detail the below important instructions before returning your current casing back to the Zounds Corporate Center for 100 percent credit:
1.First order the upgraded battery door and bottom shells needed.
2.You should then complete a stock return to get full credit for the older bottom shells and older battery doors returned.
a Select the stock return option located in My Zounds store.
b.Key in the correct stock code for either the bottom shell or battery door.
c.Return all bottom shells or battery doors that you wish to send back for 100% credit.
d.Do not send the top shell back to the corporate office, there will be no credit given and the top shell will be sent back in the following weeks AUTO SO.
Windows just released an update that removes the internet explorer settings previously set to allow ZIPI to launch from My Zounds Store.
If after installing windows 10 or the windows 10 update (voluntarily or involuntarily) you find that ZIPI doesn’t launch from MZS please follow the below instructions.
Also please make sure you are using Internet Explorer and NOT Microsoft Edge Browser which looks very similar:
Zipi not launching.Pdf (Click Me)